MicroView Update – What’s keeping us busy…

MicroView development continues with additional features being added with each alpha release.  While developing MicroView our primary focus has always been  analytic tool development, especially for microCT applications.  However, we recently took some time to complete the porting of Tkinter widgets found in older versions of MicroView to the newer wx interface that we’re sporting in 2.5.0.  Completing this task allows us to re-examine a number of the open-source plugins in MicroView that we think need some attention, and we’ve started by rethinking volume rendering.  Based on the high-quality GPU-accelerated rendering code base found in recent versions of VTK , this renderer is significantly faster than the original renderer found in MicroView.  We believe it’s also easier to use.  These days, GPU-accelerated volume rendering is pretty much a requirement for any visualization package if it wants to be taken seriously, so it’s nice to check this off the development list. If you’ve got a fairly decent NVidia or ATI GPU, give it a try and let us know your experiences.

MicroView 2.5.0: Preview of a the new GPU-accelerated volume renderer.

MicroView 2.5.0: Preview of a the new GPU-accelerated volume renderer.

CT Sabre
September 09th, 2013
