Is it time for Infiniband?

We’ve recently been experimenting with Infiniband  as a replacement for GigE  networking as the fabric for a few compute-intensive ideas that we’re working on.  In particular, we’re evaluating OFEDGluster  and OpenMPI  to see whether the impressive speed improvements that Infiniband can provide over GigE  (10-80X) justify the increase in cost of deployment.  While technologies like Myrinet, Infiniband and 10GigE are commonplace in the IT data centres of the world, it’s largely seen only at the enterprise level.  Our as-of-yet unanswered question is simple:  can Infiniband be used prudently to allow for cost-effective solutions targeted at SMBs such as those in the preclinical imaging community?  We’ll blog soon about our investigations.

Fast Got Faster
Call for Testers (take two)
